08 October 2020
Evaluating the European Commission’s control of state aid in the banking sector
Evaluating European Commission’s control of state aid to banks in the period 2013-2018.
08 October 2020
Evaluating European Commission’s control of state aid to banks in the period 2013-2018.
Blog post
22 July 2020
The ongoing recession will result in a fresh surge in non-performing loans (NPLs) once payment holidays and moratoria end later this year.
Blog post
17 July 2020
Europe has a heavily bank-based financial structure, but bank-based financial structures are associated with higher systemic risk than market-based fi
Opinion piece
16 July 2020
Meeting the fiscal demands of COVID-19 will require the European Union to borrow on capital markets more than ever, and for European pension funds and
Blog post
14 July 2020
Loan guarantees have been a major part of the COVID-19 support packages offered by European governments to companies. The actual take-up numbers so fa
09 July 2020
Evaluation of the global reforms implemented to deal with "too-big-to-fail banks".
Policy brief
24 June 2020
Though outside the euro area, Denmark and Sweden could benefit from joining the European Union’s banking union.
Opinion piece
15 May 2020
It’s time for the EU to make quick and indispensable progress in forming a capital markets union.
15 May 2020
COVID-19 has triggered a severe recession and policymakers in European Union countries are providing generous, largely indiscriminate, support to comp
Blog post
16 April 2020
The new Fed rule is a material breach of Basel III, a new development as the US had hitherto been the accord’s main champion. This action undermines t
25 March 2020
At this online event we will record an episode of the Sound of Economics, Bruegel's podcast series. In this episode, we discuss the implications of th
25 March 2020
The current pandemic is shaking the financial system. How can banks react ? Is a consolidation of the financial system in Europe needed in order to re
Blog post
24 March 2020
The banking system is critical to society and requires attention and support. In doing so, however, tough love is preferable to complacency.
25 February 2020
The European Green Deal is one of the landmarks of Ursula von der Leyen's Commission. But, without an ambitious investment behind it, what could be it
20 February 2020
At this event, Luis Garicano, member of the European Parliament, presented his two proposals to resurrect the European Banking Union: "a Safe Portfoli
29 January 2020
This event will discuss if Sweden should join the European banking union and the general state of the union.