Blog post
06 December 2021
The triple constraint on artificial-intelligence advancement in Europe
Skills, data and financing shortcomings constrain artificial-intelligence innovation in Europe.
Blog post
06 December 2021
Skills, data and financing shortcomings constrain artificial-intelligence innovation in Europe.
Policy brief
30 November 2021
To accelerate the roll-out of AI technology across the European Union, policymakers should alleviate constraints to adoption faced by firms.
Policy brief
17 November 2021
We define biometric technologies as AI technologies that rely on biometric data to derive inferences about the individual whose data is collected.
Blog post
21 October 2021
Online job postings indicate that demand from top tech firms for frontier IT skills is about double their demand for other IT skills.
Blog post
30 June 2021
Employers and artificial intelligence developers should ensure new technologies work for workers by making them trustworthy, easy to use and valuable
Blog post
06 May 2021
Algorithmic management is the twenty-first century’s scientific management. Job quality measures should be included explicitly in health and safety ri
22 April 2021
What role should the EU play in the regulation of AI?
Opinion piece
21 April 2021
What makes one vision more desirable than another is not its neutrality, but whether it can better serve one’s goals in the context of where those goa
Blog post
15 April 2021
COVID-19 has not dampened the appetite of European banks for machine learning and data science, but may in the short term have limited their artificia
Opinion piece
10 February 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted an increasing number of rich-country firms to reduce their reliance on global supply chains and invest more in robo
External publication
26 November 2020
In-depth briefing and analysis on the issues of digital trade and the geopolitics of trade provided to the European Parliament.
Blog post
05 October 2020
L'adoption des technologies IA repose moins sur des scientifiques de haut niveau que sur des spécialistes des données et des programmeurs compétents q
Blog post
27 August 2020
How severe is Europe’s dearth of AI talent and how does it compare to the United States, China and the United Kingdom – the world’s AI champions?
Blog post
29 June 2020
Artificial intelligence and machine learning will significantly transform low-skilled jobs that have not yet been negatively affected by past technolo
23 June 2020
How can AI help us fight through a pandemic crisis?
Working paper
15 June 2020
On the potential impact of new technologies, we find that low-skill mid-skill jobs are significantly exposed.