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Which European guidelines for capacity mechanisms?

The event included three presentations of recent reports on the economics of capacity mechanism and a policy discussion on corresponding European guidelines. In the first part there was a discussion of the justification of capacity mechanisms based on three recent pieces of work by IEA, ECN and ACER. Based on this, in the second part Justus Haucap (DICE) and Inge Bernaerts (EC) kicked off a debate on which European guidelines for capacity mechanisms are needed.


10.30 – 10.40 Introduction

10.40 – 12.30 The case for European capacity mechanism(s)?

Chair: Anne-Malorie Geron (Eurelectric) - presentation here


  • Manuel Baritaud (IEA) - presentation here
  • Paul Koutstaal (ECN)
  • Thomas Tindall (IHS CERA)

12.30 – 13.00 Lunch

13.00 – 14.30 Policy Panel: Which European guidelines for capacity mechanisms?

Chair: Georg Zachmann (Bruegel)


  • Inge Bernaerts (EC)
  • Martin Godfried (ACER) - presentation here
  • Justus Haucap (DICE) - presentation here

14:30 - End of event

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