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Presentation of the EEA and MWP-EUI report on research funding for Economics in Europe

An introduction by Christopher Pissarides, President of the EEA (LSE & U. of Cyprus) was followed by a presentation by Ramon Marimon, Chair of the EEA-SC on Research, Director of the Max Weber Programme (EUI), UPF & Chair, Barcelona GSE. A panel discussion followed.

The report on Research Funding for Economics in Europe is an initiative of the European Economic Association Standing Committee on Research and the Academic Careers Observatory the MWP-EUI. It provides an overview of the current situation of research funding for Economics, and other social sciences, in Europe and, in particular, a novel and unique survey on the ‘user perspective’.

The EEA Survey

The evidence presented on the user perspective on research funding in Europe results from a survey conducted among professional research economists. It was addressed to members of the European Economic Association (EEA) as well as to the union of the top 12.5% RePEc listed economists in Europe and the top 25% RePEc listed economists from each member country. In total, 5416 individuals were invited to participate, 2385 provided valid responses.
The survey was conducted between 21 June and 15 July 2010 and asked the participants to provide information on personal characteristics, their current occupation and their main sources of funding. It also asked them to indicate the significance of research funding throughout the different stages of their academic career and, most importantly, to voice their opinion on the structure, accessibility, transparency and general satisfaction with the existing sources. Respondents were also asked to indicate their experience with different agencies and name their most recent applications. As a consequence, the results presented in the report contain unique information on researchers' sources of funding and their corresponding evaluation. Download the report here

The ESO and ECPR Surveys

The same survey was extended to the members of the European Sociological Association and of the European Consortium of Political Research, as well as to the researchers in these fields publishing in the top 10% ISI Web of Knowledge Journals, resulting in an overall sample for the three surveys of 3802 valid responses. Highlights of the results of the MWP Academic Careers Observatory Report on Research Funding for the Social Sciences in Europe (in collaboration with EEA, ESO and ECPR) will also be presented. Download the report here

Other downloads

Power-point presentation here

Summary of the event here