Talks@Bruegel: Inflation with Stephen D. King
Invitation-only event featuring Stephen D. King, who touched upon the implications of inflation.
Stephen D. King
Senior Economic Advisor, HSBC
Jeromin Zettelmeyer
Bruegel Director
Check-in and lunch
12:30-13:00- Chair: Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Bruegel Director
13:00-14:00- Stephen D. King, Senior Economic Advisor , HSBC
Since the 1990s, the prevalent view among investors, monetary authorities, governments, and policymakers has been that inflation was a thing of the past. However, people all around the world are now confronted with a new economic reality, as well as the threat of massive and growing wealth disparity. The consequences of these developments extend beyond economics, influencing political dynamics and societal stability.
Stephen D. King Senior Economic Advisor at HSBC and renowned author identifed key lessons from the history of inflation and its implications for economic stability, societal inequality, and political dynamics.
Closed door | Chatham House rule