The Polish view on extending the EU-ETS: Red lines, room to manoeuvre, game changers
What are the red lines, what room is there to manoeuvre, and which elements of the new carbon pricing architecture can be real game changers?

Georg Zachmann
Bruegel Senior fellow
Maciej Bukowski
President of the Board, WiseEuropa
Aleksander Śniegocki
Head of the Energy, Climate and Environment Programme, WiseEuropa
Michael Pahle
Head of working group "Climate & Energy Policy", Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Adam Guibourgé-Czetwertyński
Ministry of Climate and Environment, Republic of Poland,
Wanda Buk
Vice-President for Regulatory Affairs, PGE
Urszula Stefanowicz
Coordinator, Koalicja Klimatyczna
Video recording
In this webinar jointly organised by WiseEuropa, Bruegel and PIK, the abovementioned proposal to extent the EU ETS were presented, followed by a panel discussion with stakeholders from Poland. What are the red lines, what room is there to manoeuvre, and which elements of the new carbon pricing architecture can be real game changers?
A summary of the event is available to download. You can also download PowerPoints of both presentations by Georg Zachmann and Maciej Bukowski.
This event was organised in cooperation with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and WiseEuropa.