Market power and its implications to competition policy
What are the reasons behind the global trends in corporate margins and market concentration?
Adina Claici
Director and head of the Brussels office at Copenhagen Economics,
Nicolas Petit
Professor of Law, University of Liege,
Fiona M. Scott Morton
Bruegel Senior fellow
Theodore Nierenberg Professor, Yale School of Management
Arno Rasek
Chief Economist, German Competition Authority (Bundeskartellamt),
Video and Audio recordings
Event materials
Presentation by Fiona Scott Morton
American tech giants are fiercely competitive monopolies by Nicolas Petit
Rising markups, market power and market concentration are considered primary concerns that require an immediate policy response. At this event we will analyse the reasons behind the global trends in corporate margins and market concentration. Do they signal a lack of market competition or are they linked to new technology efficiencies and the organic growth of industrial players?
We will also discuss whether current competition policy tools are adequate to address related concerns. Do we need a new approach, and if yes, what should its basic ingredients and characteristics be?