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International cooperation in digital markets

While several countries propose regulations to address digital competition issues, how can they ensure mutual enforcement cooperation?


Menno Cox

Head of Sector for the global aspects of digital services, DG CNECT Platforms Directorate, European Commission

Euan MacMillan

Director, Digital Markets Unit, Competition and Markets Authority - UK


Check-in and lunch



Panel discussion

  • Chair: Christophe Carugati
  • Carolina Abate, Competition Economist, OECD
  • Anna Barker, Executive Director, Digital Platforms, ACCC
  • Euan MacMillan, Director, Digital Markets Unit, Competition and Markets Authority - UK
  • Menno Cox, Head of Sector for the global aspects of digital services, DG CNECT Platforms Directorate, European Commission




Large online platforms pose similar or very similar competition issues worldwide. In response, legislators and competition authorities propose regulations to tackle them. While they address the same problems, the content of each regulation is different. As a result, increasing compliance costs for businesses and potential inconsistencies are likely to arise. G7 countries have called for years for international cooperation for competition in digital markets, but without actionable proposals. How can we ensure it? Our panellists gave an overview of the main regulation in each country and proposals to ensure international cooperation.