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Green bonds and green finance innovation

Invitation-only event to discuss innovations in green finance and sovereign and EU issuance of green bonds.


Dion Bongaerts

Associate Professor of Finance, RSM - Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Niall Bohan

Director, Financial Risk and Asset Management, European Commission, DG Budget

Zoe Knight

Managing Director and Group Head of the Centre of Sustainable Finance, HSBC

Lucia Silva

Group Head of Sustainability and Social Responsibility, Assicurazioni Generali

This invitation-only event explored recent trends and innovations in green finance. A first session looked at the issuance of green finance instruments by EU governments and the planned issuance by the EU itself. The second session looked at new instruments, in particular green certificates and sustainability-linked bonds. We expect that a focused discussion will be of interest to both issuers and investors, and provide input for the ongoing discussion around a new sustainable finance strategy and the green bond standard.

This event was only open to Bruegel members and a small number of selected invitees.

Related reading

Green certificates: a better version of green bonds by Dion Bongaerts and Dirk Schoemaker

Common eurobonds should become Europe’s safe asset – but they don’t need to be green by Alexander Lehmann