Game Over – The Inside Story of the Greek Crisis -Drawing the broader lessons for Europe
Solvay Brussels School and Bruegel are co-organizing an event at which George Papakonstantinou and André Sapir will discuss the Greek crisis and its
George Papaconstantinou
Professor of International Political Economy, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute,
Greece is still in a bailout, in a severe social and economic crisis, while Europe as a whole, despite the distance traveled, has not left the crisis behind it.In this lecture, former Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou drew on his account of the Greek crisis and address the broader lessons for Europe as it tries to rebuild its institutional architecture in the midst of increasing economic, social and political pressures.
The event was held at the Solvay Brussels School on Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 42 Brussels, 1050, Ixelles .