Forging Europe’s new Clean Industrial Deal
Kerstin Jorna
Director-General, European Commission, DG GROW
Ann Mettler
Vice President, Europe, Breakthrough Energy
Simone Tagliapietra
Bruegel Senior fellow
Kurt Vandenberghe
Director General of DG CLIMA, European Commission
Check-in & lunch
13:00-13:45- Chair: Simone Tagliapietra, Bruegel Senior fellow
- Kerstin Jorna, Director-General, European Commission, DG GROW
- Ann Mettler, Vice President, Europe, Breakthrough Energy
- Kurt Vandenberghe, Director General of DG CLIMA , European Commission
13:45-14:00Ask your question on Sli.do #cleandeal
President von der Leyen put Europe’s sustainable prosperity and competitiveness at the top of her political agenda for 2024-2029. In this context, she pledged to launch a Clean Industrial Deal in the first 100 days of the new mandate. This event aims to discuss the potential shape of this new initiative, with a particular focus on the necessary EU policy toolkit to support clean tech manufacturing and industrial decarbonisation. New data from Bruegel’s European Clean Tech Tracker will serve as an input to the discussion.