Coherent and consistent implementation of EU digital policies
How will the EU's many digital policies work together?
Cornelia Kutterer
Senior Director, European Government Affairs, Responsible Tech & Competition, Microsoft
Annemarie Sipkes
Director, Telecommunications, Transport and Postal Services Department, The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM)
Axel Voss
MEP, EPP, European Parliament
There has been an avalanche of EU digital policies proposed or enacted over the past two years, from competition to data access. How are these policies supposed to work together? The UK has established a cross-agency body (the DRCF) to try to coordinate digital policy across competition, telecommunications, media, while the Netherlands has established a similar body (the SDT) to coordinate across telecommunications, media, privacy and more. There is no obvious counterpart at EU level. How can coordinated, joined-up policy best be achieved for other new and existing measures such as the Digital Services Act (DSA), the Data Act, the Artificial Intelligence Act, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
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