Opinion piece
13 December 2023
A new opening for Polish-German energy relations
The change of government in Poland and the Russian aggression in Ukraine provide an opportunity for a new opening for Polish-German energy relations.
Opinion piece
13 December 2023
The change of government in Poland and the Russian aggression in Ukraine provide an opportunity for a new opening for Polish-German energy relations.
First glance
30 November 2023
Obstacles created by Poland’s outgoing government and the deteriorating economic situation make the post-election outlook highly challenging.
25 October 2023
What Poland’s election means for the country and for Europe.
External publication
18 September 2023
13 January 2021
A conversation on green recovery with the Polish Minister of Climate and Environment, Michał Kurtyka
Opinion piece
12 December 2018
Following the COP24 climate talks in Poland, Simone Tagliapietra reviews the arguments for and challenges to decarbonisation.
Blog post
19 February 2018
Poland’s issue of a green bond earlier this month was the country’s second financing of this type, and the first ever repeat issue by a sovereign. It
Blog post
06 February 2018
EU membership led to major financial and economic advantages to central European Member States, partly by encouraging foreign investment. Widespread f
Opinion piece
05 December 2017
The European Union should act to ensure the continued transformation of its energy system, and encourage member states to overcome their dependence on