
Bruegel's 20th anniversary

In 2025 Bruegel celebrates its 20th Anniversary with a series of events and activities.

20 years of improving economic policy


In 2025 Bruegel celebrates its 20th anniversary. In the past two decades the world has changed in significant ways, but many of the same challenges remain. Bruegel has also changed, growing significantly, and broadening the scope of its research. But what has not changed is the objective of improving economic policy and our values of impartiality, openness and excellence.

We have a host of activities planned in the frame of the celebrations, most prominently events in the capitals of all our members states. keeping true to our nature, much of what we organise will be focused on the objective of improving economic policy. In that vein, we kicked-off the year with an event on 17 January, exactly 20 years after Bruegel's first Board Meeting in 2005, discussing global policymaking in the Trump-Xi era. You can find more information about our outputs and activities below.

Read more about the history of Bruegel.

20th anniversary logo
Picture of a Bruegel event in 2005

Selected materials from Bruegel's birth

In January 2025, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Bruegel’s founding Board meeting, the team assembled the documents about the creation journey in 2002-2005 and photographs of the early days.

Browse the booklet

On 16 January, the eve of the official start of our anniversary celebrations, we hosted a dinner bringing together key stakeholders from Bruegel's founding, to celebrate the institution but especially its first director, Jean Pisani-Ferry. Below are videos from some key people who could not join the dinner but wished to send their best wishes. More video will be added soon.

Mario Monti, the founding president of Bruegel, the president of Bocconi University, Milan and a Senator of the Italian Republic

Fred Bergsten, founding director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics 

Adam Posen, President of the Peterson Institute for International Economics

Paul Seabright, Toulouse School of Economics and Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse and former chair of Bruegel Scientific Council