Sara Lovisolo

Group Sustainability Manager, Borsa Italiana (LSEG),

Sara is responsible for sustainability management and strategy at Borsa Italiana, part of London Stock Exchange Group. She has been an active member of the Consultative Group of the UN-backed Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative since 2014, and in 2018 joined the Steering Committee of FC4S, the UNEP-supported network of Financial Centers for Sustainability. In June 2018 she was appointed to the EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance and in 2020 to the EFRAG Task Force tasked with advising the European Commission on the development of an EU non-financial reporting standard. She has a Masters in Economics from Bocconi University and has authored a number of publications on sustainable finance. She also has a post-graduate certificate in Applied Anthropology from the University of Milan-Bicocca.

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