Luis de Guindos

Vice President, European Central Bank,

Luis de Guindos is the Vice-President of the European Central Bank.


1977-1982 BSc in Economics from CUNEF, Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (Spain) – Graduated with honours

1984 Técnico Comercial y Economista del Estado (State Economist and Trade Expert, grade “A” public examination, first in order of merit)

Professional career

2018 - : Vice-President of the European Central Bank

2016-2018 Minister of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness

2011-2016 Minister of Economy and Competitiveness

2010-2011 Director, IE Business School and PwC Center for the Finance Sector

2008-2009 Head of Financial Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers

2006-2008 Chief Executive Officer Iberia, Lehman Brothers, and Chief Executive Officer, Nomura Securities

2002-2004 Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and member of the Economic and Financial Committee of the EU

2000-2002 Secretary General for Economic and Competition Policy

1996-2000 Director General for Economic and Competition Policy

1996-2000 Vice Chairman, Economic Policy Committee of the EU

1988-1996 Chief Executive Officer, AB Asesores

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