Bruce Lyons

Professor, University of East Anglia,

Bruce Lyons is Professor of Economics in the Centre for Competition Policy (CCP) and School of Economics at the University of East Anglia.  He was formerly Editor of Journal of Industrial Economics, Associate Editor of Economica, and a part-time Member of the UK Competition Commission (2002-11).  He has been a member of DG Comp’s Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy (EAGCP) at since its inception in 2004.  He is Academic Adviser to KPMG on competition economics.  Recent publications include: ‘Early Settlement in European Merger Control’ (2016) [with Luke Garrod), Journal of Industrial Economics; ‘Behavioural economics in competition policy enforcement for financial product markets’ (2015) [with Nicola Mazzarotto], Competition Law Journal; ‘Cases in European Competition Policy: the Economic Analysis’ (Cambridge UP, 2009); and ‘Mergers and Merger Remedies: Consequences for Competition’ [with Steve Davies] (EE, 2007).  His current research is focused on behavioural economics and competition policy, including the design of institutions.

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