In 2024, the year of choices and crises, Bruegel's staff and fellows conducted an ambitious research agenda and responded to the most salient issues in the wider field of economic policy.
Below are twelve of our highlights, compiled also under #12daysofBruegel (Linkedin, Bluesky).
We wrote about electricity, defence, fiscal rules. We talked about and to Mario Draghi. We hosted the Spitzenkandidaten. We reflected on tariffs, elections and enlargement. Finally, we collected our most important recommendations to the new European Union leadership in the book, Unite, defend, grow.
We look forward to 2025, new challenges and new ways of improving economic policy. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter, the Why Axis.

The future of European competitiveness: a conversation with Mario Draghi
Exploring the critical issues shaping Europe’s economic future.

Economic choices for Europe: EU leadership debate 2024
Bruegel and the Financial Times host lead candidates for the 2024 European elections for a debate on crucial economic topics.

Unite, defend, grow: Memos to the European Union leadership 2024-2029

Europe’s Banking union at ten: unfinished yet transformative
Nicolas Véron offers the first comprehensive exploration of the genesis, implementation and possible future completion of the banking union
Podcast and dataset

China's latest stimulus package: is it enough to save the economy?
A closer look into China’s recently announced stimulus measures

European clean tech tracker
This tracker provides an overview of the main innovation, manufacturing and deployment trends in clean tech in Europe
Policy briefs

The implications of the European Union’s new fiscal rules
This policy brief summarises the main features of the new European Union fiscal framework

The economic case for climate finance at scale
This policy brief examines the economic case for advanced-country financial support for replacement of coal with renewable energy sources in EMDEs

A special historical analysis: Europe’s 35-year journey since the fall of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall fell on 9 November 1989, triggering huge political and economic change; the question now is whether the gains can be safeguarded

Fit for war in decades: sluggish German rearmament versus surging Russian defence production
It will take Germany, and Europe more generally, decades to match current Russian volumes of weapons production
Report and essay

The impact on the European Union of Ukraine’s potential future accession
This report evaluates the impact on the EU of a possible EU accession of Ukraine, focusing on economic consequences and institutional developments.

A tale of two treatises: the Werner and Delors Reports and the birth of the euro
Focusing on the Werner and Delors Reports, this essay aims to capture key ideas and debates, giving a chronological overview of the EMU process