Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Title: The effect of COVID certificates on vaccine uptake, public health, and the economy Handle: RePEc:bre:wpaper:46695 Author-Name: Philippe Aghion Author-Name: Guntram B. Wolff Author-Name: Philippe Martin Author-Name: Lionel Guetta-Jeanrenaud Author-Name: Bary Pradelski Author-Name: Miquel Oliu-Barton Author-Name: Nicolas Woloszko Author-Name: Patrick Artus Author-Name: Arnaud Fontanet Abstract: An analysis of the incentive effects of COVID certificates on vaccine uptake, health outcomes and the economy. Creation-Date: 2022-01 File-URL: https://phpstack-765020-2596826.cloudwaysapps.com/sites/default/files/wp_attachments/WP-2022-01-certificates_-2.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf