Template-Type: ReDIF-Book 1.0 Title: Instruments of a strategic foreign economic policy Handle: RePEc:bre:bebook:45816 Author-Name: Georg Zachmann Author-Name: Guntram B. Wolff Author-Name: Marcel Fratzscher Author-Name: Kerstin Bernoth Author-Name: Gabriel Felbermayr Author-Name: Niclas Poitiers Author-Name: Alexander Sandkamp Author-Name: Mia Hoffmann Author-Name: Pauline Weil Author-Name: Katrin Kamin Author-Name: Malte Rieth Author-Name: Jacqueline Dombrowski Author-Name: Sebastian Horn Author-Name: Karsten Neuhoff Provider-Name: Bruegel, Brussels Abstract: Study for the German Federal Foreign Office produced by Bruegel, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and DIW Berlin. Creation-Date: 2021-11 Publication-Date: 2021-11 File-URL: https://phpstack-765020-2596826.cloudwaysapps.com/sites/default/files/wp_attachments/Strategische_Au_enwirtschaftspolitik__Studie_AA_2.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf